California Chapter
Changing spaces California was one of the first to successfully
pass a law requiring adult changing tables to be installed in public buildings. Despite our success, we have a lot of work to do! Since passing the law in 2015, many regional center offices have adopted changing tables in their offices and there is at least one airport in both southern and northern California that have adult changing facilities.
If you are interested in joining this important cause feel free to send an email to Alisa Rosillo, leader of the Changing California Chapter, or message her from the Facebook page Changing Spaces CA.

Advocacy In California
California advocates have had tremendous success and are among only four states that have successfully passed legislation requiring adult changing stations in public buildings!
Click here to read the details of the California Adult Changing Table Law.

Get Involved!

Take advantage of our pre-made flyers and form letters to use while advocating.

Learn more about the mission of the Changing Spaces Campaign and what we advocate for. We also discuss applicable laws and building codes.
Connect with us on social media and share your story. View up to date information on the latest developments in our campaign.
View where universal changing tables are located across the USA.

Spreading Awareness about the need for adult changing stations at the National Orange Show in 2016.
Alisa Rosillo
Chapter Leader, Changing Spaces California
Email: cachapterchangingspaces@gmail.com
Facebook: Changing Spaces CA