Nebraska Chapter

The Nebraska Chapter of the Changing Spaces Campaign is led by Advocate Erin Lebens Walsh.
Contact us to join our advocacy efforts in Nebraska!
Facebook: ChangingSpacesNebraska
Instagram: ChangingSpacesNebraska

adult changing table sign

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adult changing table sign
Meet Your Nebraska Chapter Leader
Hello! I am Erin Lebens Walsh, a Nebraskan advocate for change to provide life affirming care and access to those who live with and have family members with disabilities.
November of 2019 I received the first of many diagnoses that would rock my family's world. I developed severe preeclampsia and was hospitalized. I attempted to continue working as a brand manager in Seattle, WA during this hospitalization but the stress of the preeclampsia on my mind and body prohibited me from continuing. The week of Thanksgiving I cleared out my desk, wished my team a happy holiday and told them I really hoped to be coming back from my maternity leave early enough to launch our planned alcoholic seltzer that next Spring.
My son, due February 4th, was born via emergency C-section December 6th, 2019 and after spending 33 days in the NICU signs of his in utero stroke were found and his white matter brain damage (periventricular leukomalacia) was confirmed via MRI. Two days later we were released from the NICU with a mountain of discharge paperwork, an inconclusive diagnosis, and a beautiful five pound baby boy named Sam. I did not return to work so that I could stay home full time to provide therapy for Sam with his early intervention team over zoom as the pandemic was now fully taking hold of the entire country.
I am inviting you to be a part of my mission to provide safe and dignified changing spaces for all bodies, all ages.
I am passionate about organizations like Changing Spaces because I know first hand the way a complex medical diagnosis can alter the course of life for an individual, an entire family and the whole community. Sam received his Spastic Quadriplegic Cerebral Palsy diagnosis on September 13, 2021. With the confirmation of his diagnosis it further affirmed my understanding that my disabled son's required accommodations would grow as he did.
As we are coming to an age when potty training would typically be our biggest toileting concern, we realize that having a safe and dignified space to change our son is now and will indefinitely be a part of our daily lives.
I am inviting you to be a part of my mission to provide safe and dignified changing spaces for all bodies, all ages.
The ask is that adjustable-height adult sized changing tables be added to family restrooms. Help me to bring awareness to this ask and get our family members #offthefloor.
Get Involved!

Take advantage of our pre-made flyers and form letters to use while advocating.

Learn more about the mission of the Changing Spaces Campaign and what we advocate for. We also discuss applicable laws and building codes.
Connect on Social Media
Connect with us on social media and share your story. View up to date information on the latest developments in our campaign.
View where universal changing tables are located across the USA.
Erin Lebens Walsh
Nebraska Chapter Leader
Facebook: ChangingSpacesNebraska
Instagram: ChangingSpacesNebraska